Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Interview with Lynn Hardy and her book The Prophecy of the Flame

Hello and Welcome author Lynn Hardy to A Dance in the Dark!!  It is so nice to have you with us today!!

How old were you when you first realized you wanted to write?
I didn’t start reading on my own until I was in the 2nd grade. By the time I was in Junior High School, I was in love with the written word. In college, I majored in journalism – I loved stories and wanted to find the really good ones.

My journalism professor told me I should switch majors: “You have no ability to catch your own typos – no editor will ever hire you.”

I dropped out of college the next semester. Without writing, school lost its appeal.

Tell us a little bit about the book.
I will give it to you straight. It is a what some call a Mary Sue, at least the first two books in the series are.

What’s a Mary Sue?
A Mary Sue is a book, based on the authors ultimate “dream” persona. The person they really want to be. The main character is super-powerful, beautiful, and desirable.
A few other Mary Sues:
True Blood – The Sookie Stackhouse Novels
The Host

What made you choose this genre?
You write best when you write what you know… I love fantasy books.
Most authors have an unusual story or way that they come up with their ideas for books... Do you have one?
Mine are based on a set of dreams. If you swapped around the order and filled in the blanks, it made this captivating story.

What was your biggest influence that steered you toward writing?
I have three:
Christine Wilson – A marriage counselor  my husband and I saw 12 years ago. (yes, she is that good, we are still together – 17 years in total) Christine had me write my earliest memories with as much detail as I could recall. I handed her 10 pages, single-paced, typed, twice a week. After a few months she said, “I have asked every client to do this for the last 20 years. I must tell you, this is the first time I want to sit down on the couch with a cup of tea and see what happens next in a clients life!”
Thanks to Christine, had the courage to sit down and start writing my books.
My mom who was my first reader. She was always straight with me as a kid. When I wanted to explore singing, she said, “Dear, I don’t think that is right for you.” My mom loves my books!
My husband. He has been a steady rock of support, encouraging me to chase my dreams.
I have to ask, what are the hardest scenes for you to write?
Fight scenes. I hate violence.

How do you feel about reader comments?
I love it when a reader takes time to contact me in any way. Even if the feedback isn’t positive, they took the time to let me know how they felt. Before I hired a professional editor, it was often about typos. Thanks to that honest feedback, my book has been re-edited!

Do you have any advice for new authors?
You can do it yourself – many have. But if you are looking for help, if you want access to bookstore shelves and high profile reviews like The New York Times, Kirkus, and many others, stop by and see what BAM! Publishing has to offer.
I created this company to help my fellow authors.

Where are your books available?
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks

What can we expect from you in the future?
My fans are asking for Book Three. It is late. The publishing company was a necessity. Find out why on the about page of

Where can we reach you and become informed of updates?

        Title: Prophecy Of The Flame
Author: Lynn Hardy
Publisher: Resilient Publishing
Length: 393 Pages
Sub-Genres: Fantasy


Five strangers are yanked from this world and thrust into a land of sorcery as they are granted the looks and abilities of the people they were playing. The Crusaders of the Light struggle to form a cohesive band as they blend twentieth century technology with the supernatural powers of this new world, fighting to liberate the kingdom of Cuthburan from the evil horde threatening humanity.
Battle is also waged within Reba, an ordinary housewife who has become the most powerful mage on the planet. She struggles to remain true to her wedding vows as she is drawn against her will to the arms of Prince Alexandros.


Winter’s harsh embrace grips the undulating hills in an unforgiving embrace. Whispering, “Sight,” I scan the open vista. If the enemy is out there, they’re hidden beyond even magical sight.
“Charles, would you please take point?”
The ebony warrior quickly complies with my request.
“If you’re ready, Your Highness. It will be as it was when we worked on your brother. Just relax.” I take down my hood. Turning to the prince, I extend my left hand.
Prince Szames hesitates. My heightened mage senses pick up a prolonged inhalation. Assuming he is having second thoughts about working with magic, I expound, “A physical connection makes borrowing energy easier. Once I finish the incantation, we will walk. We need to make a full circle of the city before I can complete the spell.”
Seconds after our hands meet, I get a glimpse into the emotions at which I have, until now, mostly guessed. The fleeting sensation of sensual arousal disappears like lotion on scaly skin. I dismiss the insight as irrelevant, concentrating on the task at hand.
Prince Szames gives a nod, indicating his readiness to proceed. I close my eyes. Securing the connection, I combine our powers. With the world sealed away along with my vision, I begin the most powerful spell I have ever contemplated.

“As I walk the path of this magnificent wall,
Following in my wake, I leave a magic hall.
Power flows through this corridor unseen,
Awaiting my instruction. My idea is so keen.

On my command power will spread,
Forming a dome far over our heads.
Far underground magic will go,
Spreading thin but impregnably so.

A force field you’ll form, surrounding this city,
To keep it safe from malevolent entities.
If to this kingdom you pose a dire threat,
Touch this field and vaporized you will get.

Their energy you’ll capture for your power.
You will guard us well through our darkest hour.”

An orgasmic sigh escapes through my clenched teeth. I fight to remain erect. My body feels as light as a feather, as if I could walk on air right off the side of the battlement. Magic coils about me.
I force the power to pool below me. Magic spills around my feet. The flow steadies. I ease my eyes open. A dull throb settles in the back of my skull. Prince Szames gives an inquiring gaze. I nod. We begin to stroll along the wall, following Charles, leaving a trail of magic behind us like Hänsel and Gretel and their trail of hope. I pray this endeavor turns out better than their bread crumbs.
The magic continues to stream behind as I pictured in my mind. I focus my concentration on the pathway of the magic, intent on stabilizing the flow. Accessing the small reservoir of green energy, I ease the shrunken membranes in my head. There. . . now I should have a little more freedom of thought.
Looking to my right, quite a bit of the countryside is visible. Stark as it is, the beauty touches my soul. Before me is the most striking winterscape I have ever seen. More than a dozen shades of brown interweave into a majestic pattern.Is it the scenery, magesight, or the world we are on?
Smiling, I turn to Prince Szames. “If all your land is this fair, then your kingdom is rich beyond words.”
With an unconscious smile, Prince Szames’s voice is a mere whisper. “This is but a pale shadow in comparison to the sight of her crowned in full glory. Castle Eldrich is known for its beauty throughout the world, but spring is the season for which she is famous. The knolls shimmer with colors so vibrant, you would think the hills have gowned themselves with gemstones.”
“Why, Prince Szames, I didn’t know the soul of a poet could inhabit the body of a warrior. Or do all the men in this kingdom possess a natural affinity for words that let them speak with tongues of silver?” A little flirting often loosens the tongue better than wine.
Pouty lips curve downward. His brow furrows, showing the honesty of his puzzlement. “I am afraid you have mistaken me, perhaps for my brother? I have never been one to manipulate words for a flattering effect. I speak of what my heart sees in an honest fashion. I know of no other way. Perhaps the company I keep has inspired my heart to communicate more intimately with my mind.”
“Then your heart sees beauty where others might not, and you speak of it in a fashion that makes me long to share your sight.” Touché and en garde. The battle begins. “If it is my company that inspires you to speak with such passion, then we must keep company more often. A heart filled with such as yours is wasted if it is not shared.”
Prince Szames’s cheeks brighten with my compliment. I discern a surge of arousal from the warrior, but it disappears as I try to pinpoint it.
Please don’t tell me I’ve made this movie star of a man blush with a little compliment. Surely being tall, blond, and hunky he gets constant attention. Hmm, maybe I should take it easy with the flattery until I learn a little more about this place. Here women might flirt to let men know they are ready to hit the sack. Denying a princely proposition may cause more trouble than the information is worth.
The smile he sports is dopier than ever. “It will be my pleasure to accompany you whenever you are in need of an escort. As I have said before, rank does have some privilege. It will be an honor to guide you through this world.”
Yes, I will definitely have to watch the flirting. “Your Highness, I thank you for your offer. I will keep it in mind. I have a feeling I will be in need of a guide. Your world differs from mine in more ways than I can count.” My lips curve to reassure him while I provide a way out. “However, I don’t wish to monopolize your time by adding more demands to your schedule of duties.”
“Please, call me Szames, as my friends do when the situation does not demand otherwise. Milady Archmage Reba, I would like to count you among my friends.” His deep voice holds warmth and thoughtfulness I dare not take at face value since I can’t sense what he is feeling.
“Then I insist you call me Reba.” My thin lips nearly disappear as my smile broadens.
“Reba, you tell me your world is greatly different from mine. In my youth, when I had a greater amount of time to call my own, I loved to study history and science.” Szames’s eyes light up. “Other lands across the dimensional planes were not suitable material for a prince, so my father always held, but I must admit they fascinate me far more than any topic this world holds. Perhaps we could exchange information about our worlds. I will provide you with a guide through mine, while you provide me the forbidden knowledge I long to study.”
“Szames, you have yourself a deal. An exchange of information it is.” Oooh, careful now. Is he more than a dumb jock, an over-muscled football player? Could he have brains behind all that brawn? I shake my head in denial of the bothersome thoughts. Yeah, right! He’s just outmaneuvered me on the field of flirtation. He’s a playboy philanderer, not a genius in disguise.
In the distance two guards stare at the horizon. Hearing Merithin and Charles approach, they turn and salute, as the others have done, ending with heads up and eyes straight. As Charles passes, they glance in our direction. When the wind brings a startled whisper to my ear, I wish once again I had taken a look in that mirror with my hood down. It seems my looks make a profound impression even from a distance. The sentries snap to attention again as they recognize my escort.
The silence expands as we stroll along, hand in hand. I haven’t been for a walk holding any man’s hand but Kyle’s for so long. I’d forgotten how small, how delicate a big guy makes you feel.
Kyle is five foot eleven and not too big. Lord knows, being five-eight, I don’t feel petite often. Szames’s hand is so huge. . . Yep, now I remember this feeling from high school. It used to intimidate me, feeling so small. But now I don’t feel intimidated at all, even though the man outranks me as well as towers over me. It must be the tremendous store of magical power. Now size doesn’t matter. . . A chuckle escapes me at the unintended pun. Thank God I have Kyle and I don’t have to worry about that crap any more.
“It sounds like that much fun, this exchange of information?” Szames interrupts my wandering mind. “Reba, you are an unusual woman.”
I hesitate to correct his misconception. “I’ll take that as a compliment. . . I think.”
“I assure you I mean it with complete admiration.” Szames returns my smile.
Any male model would kill for a smile like that, goofy as it is. What am I thinking! I don’t have time for this. Turning my thoughts within, I check the progressive flow of magic. Everything looks good.

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About The Author:

Led by a series of dreams and encouraged by friends, Lynn Hardy began the journey to become an author. She stored her work in a computer file labeled “second job.” Writing began as a passion she could not contain and has become much more than she ever expected.

In the Fall of 2010, Prophecy of the Flame – Book One, reached #1 on Amazon kindle, shortly after Book Two in the series released. In the spring of 2011, Lynn released the Full Cast unabridged audio book of Book One. Now both fans and newcomers can hear the book come to life as every character jumps of the page with their own unique voice.

The road has been longer and more complicated than she would have ever guessed –not always smooth, but filled with wonderful surprises. Like most stories, Lynn is sure that her journey has only just begun.

Lynn Hardy

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